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Coffee cup with leaves. Serene concept.

The Reboot Programme puts you centre stage, giving you the opportunity to discover or re-connect to what gives you joy and meaning. You are likely to find more energy, more focus, enhanced self-esteem, more confidence and more fulfilment.

Work, Health and Life Balance Concept
Who is it for?
anyone at a crossroads, whether imposed or chosen, who wants to get clarity over the next steps
anyone who feels they could be getting more out of life
anyone who is feeling stuck, demotivated, incapable of making changes or decisions
anyone who is exhausted or is experiencing burn-out or is overwhelmed by stress -those who have been spending all their time looking after others and not spending time on themselves
those on a limited budget who want quick results
Wall covered with adhesive note papers with light bulb drawings
How it works

This is a small group course delivered one evening a week for 6 weeks. We develop very practical tools to enable you to nurture yourself to a position of strength from which you can reach for your goals. Each participant has two 1-2-1 coaching sessions during the programme. This is delivered face to face in the Bristol area and online.

Contact us for next programme dates
What they say

At the time of starting the programme my personal life and health had taken a turn for the worse, which in turn compromised my ability to do my job effectively. I was in a very negative head space, spiralling downwards, not knowing what to do or who to turn to.

Meg set to work immediately asking me which areas of my life I wanted to work on. This helped me identify what was important and what I could stop fretting about.

During the programme we visited each area, working on reinforcing positive thinking and taking continual steps to improve the situation. I soon found myself thinking in a more positive manner. Reflecting, and using the relaxation and breathing when required.

I’m pleased to say that coaching for me has been an invaluable experience, helping me to look at and deal with very difficult situations in a much broader positive way.

Healthcare Professional

I really enjoy your sessions and I have learnt so much from you. I was just thinking today that I really am seeing some amazing changes to my life and feel very proud of myself. It’s not perfect and being ill really took its toll, but I am back and ready to roll again.

Freelancer returning to the work world after illness

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